Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Montel Williams Testifies About Chiropractic Helping Him With His Multiple Sclerosis

This is pretty cool. I guess Montel Williams has been suffering from Multiple Sclerosis for years and he describes how you can tell he has it on his show. Multiple Sclerosis is a disease where the body attacks the good fat in the brain that surrounds the neurons. This fat acts like the plastic insulation around wires, if you don't have it and the wires cross you get unintentional impulses firing which causes intense pain. The fat also aids in the speed of the impulse. Anyways, this is a segment of Montel's show and he brings on his chiropractor and shows people how the adjustment actually takes place and he talks of the amazing affects the adjustments have on him. It's pretty cool how it has changed his life.

Just right click the link below and choose "open in new window".

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Children's Hospital explores acupuncture and other alternative therapies.

More and more hospitals are asking alternative health care providers to join their full-time staff. I know that at Utah Valley Hospital they are now using acupuncture to treat cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy as a part of the regular regime. It drastically decreases the nausea associated with chemo. Acupuncture is also used as a form of analgesic or pain blocker. This is a pretty cool article talking of the success they've had with children and acupuncture. It also talks about how acupuncture helped a patient in the hospital suffering from Crohn's disease. Scott may be interested in this. Just right click the link below and choose "open in new window".

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Common Cold, Uncommon Nasal Remedy

"I hate it when my nose runs!"
I learned about this remedy early on at school but it's amazing how many people don't know about it. This is a pretty good article describing how and why it works. The only thing it doesn't mention is how it clears up congestion. The salt solution acts as a hypertonic solution that actually sucks the water out of the blood vessels thus relieving the congestive symptoms. If you read the short article this will make more sense. Just right click on the link below and choose "open in new window". I figure this could help alot of people this time of year.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Chiropractic Lowers Blood Pressure!

This is pretty cool and is getting a lot of attention. There was a significant study that shows that an "upper cervical" adjustment can dramatically lower blood pressure. The below links are news videos aired by ABC News and Good Morning America. There are many others but these seem to be the best ones. Right click links below and choose "open in new window".

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Anti Aging Supplements

Can we really prevent the effects of aging? Of course! Many of us don't realize that we can drastically prevent the effects of aging with simple exercise and proper nutritional supplementation. Right click link and choose "open in new window".