Sunday, January 11, 2009

Children's Hospital explores acupuncture and other alternative therapies.

More and more hospitals are asking alternative health care providers to join their full-time staff. I know that at Utah Valley Hospital they are now using acupuncture to treat cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy as a part of the regular regime. It drastically decreases the nausea associated with chemo. Acupuncture is also used as a form of analgesic or pain blocker. This is a pretty cool article talking of the success they've had with children and acupuncture. It also talks about how acupuncture helped a patient in the hospital suffering from Crohn's disease. Scott may be interested in this. Just right click the link below and choose "open in new window".

1 comment:

  1. That sounds pretty cool, but as a mother that picture is a little unnerving.(sp?)
