Saturday, January 10, 2009

Common Cold, Uncommon Nasal Remedy

"I hate it when my nose runs!"
I learned about this remedy early on at school but it's amazing how many people don't know about it. This is a pretty good article describing how and why it works. The only thing it doesn't mention is how it clears up congestion. The salt solution acts as a hypertonic solution that actually sucks the water out of the blood vessels thus relieving the congestive symptoms. If you read the short article this will make more sense. Just right click on the link below and choose "open in new window". I figure this could help alot of people this time of year.


  1. How cool! You never told me about that! You smarty! XOXOXO

  2. I've used a neti pot for awhile now. It works! You look retarded when you do it, and it feels like you're drowning, but it's so worth it.

  3. I haven't used the neti pot before but I have used the sprays and they work really well. Alot better than the medications I think. Thanks for commenting!!
